India’s Coffee Country: The Domestic and The Divine – photographs by Andrew LaMoreaux
Sep 27, 2013 – Jan 5, 2014
Andrew LaMoreaux is a documentary photographer and faculty in the Art Department at Marietta College. His work has a international focus, relating principally to the art, architecture and cultural traditions of Asia, Central America, and North America. Using a largely ethnographic approach, he has photographed Buddhist monasteries and temples in Bhutan, recorded religious festivals in Nepal and India, and chronicled the fast-changing lives of the Gnabe tribe in Panama.
Later, he turned his attention to urban, cosmopolitan subjects in Sydney, Australia, exploring what distinguishes the city as one of the largest multicultural cities in the world. He documented intercultural couples within the privacy of their homes, creating portraits that are closely observed and intimate, and that convey a distinct sense of place and time.
With India’s CoffeeCountry: The Domestic and The Divine, Andrew turns his attention to Karnataka, India’s Coffee Estate region, where he explores the essence of family bonds, spiritual commitment, economic aspirations and the lives built off the land. LaMoreaux received his BFA from The Ohio State University and his MA in Documentary Photography from the University of Sydney. (This program is an MFA equivalent in the US.)