Looking for some colorful inspiration at home? Check out the Harvard-Smithsonian Micro-observatory telescope to take your own pictures of the cosmos!

During the school year, our Curator of Education, Annette Eshelman, works with Clark Shawnee middle school students to capture images of space through a STEAM education program called “Youth Capture the Colorful Cosmos.” Students use the Smithsonian program to develop their science, technology, engineering, art, and math skills by using remote access to the Harvard-Smithsonian Micro-observatory telescopes.

Astronomers are making new discoveries every day, and you can too! Just click the link below to navigate to their webpage, then open the “tools and training tab” to learn how to access the robotic telescopes and process your images. This is a great project to do with kids while our community practices social distancing. Make sure to share your pictures in the comments or tag us using #momentsforjoy and #smoa!

While we are temporarily closed, we commit to a “Moments for Joy” online campaign. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram where we will regularly present posts that we hope bring joy, wonder, and a moment to de-stress. Please join us!

#momentsforjoy #SpringfieldMuseumofArt #smoa #springfieldohio
